Three-Parameter Combination Probe Sensor KR-939SB3

  • Oil temperature measurement range: 0~100℃
  • Oil level measurement range: -10 ~ 40 mm
  • Vibration measuring range: 0 to 20 mm /s


Three-Parameter Combination Probe Sensor KR-939SB3

KR939SB3 three parameter combination (oil level temperature vibration combination) probe is a general type combined probe that is used in cooling tower fan safety monitoring system. It can be connected with a variety of general two instruments, or computer data acquisition and control system (DCS, PLC, etc.).

This is applied to the fan gear box combined probe for safe operation of monitoring, in its internal integrated measuring temperature, oil level, vibration signal sensing, conversion and transmission circuit of direct output and the security parameters corresponding to the 4 ~ 20mA standard current signal, can be matched with a variety of general-purpose two meter or computer digital acquisition monitoring system.

The probe temperature measurement with platinum resistance sensor and semiconductor integrated device; level measurement using a capacitive sensing principle; sensor for measuring  vibration, mechanical vibration acceleration signal acquisition, band-pass filter, an integral and true effective value through the amplifier (RMS) converter, the vibrationwaveform in the effective bandwidth of it effective value conversion; finally, the oil temperature, vibration generated by the 4 ~ 20mA output.


KR-939SB3 KR-939SB3 Transmitter Transmitter (Three Three patameter patameter probe probe)

KR-939SB3 Integrated Three Parameter Combination Probe Vibration Temperature Oil Level Sensor Transmitter

Temperature measurement characteristics:

Lubricating oil temperature measurement range: 0~100℃, temperature

measurement comprehensive error: ±3℃

Oil level measurement characteristics:

Lubricating oil level measurement range: -10 ~ 40 mm, the maximum measurement

error level: < = + 1 mm

Vibration measurement characteristics:

Vibration measuring range: 0 to 20 mm /s, effective value measurement output and

vibration velocity (RMS) is proportional to the vibration measurement frequency range:

10 ~ 1000HZ, the maximum measurement error: + 1 mm /s < = vibration

Signal output characteristics:

Active current output type: DC/4 ~ 20mA, requirements for passive resistive load.

Maximum load resistance: < 300 ohm

Supply characteristics of power supply:

Working voltage: DC/24V ±4V, maximum protection voltage: DC/30V, rated

current: DC/80mA, maximum instantaneous working current: 120mA, internal voltage

polarity reverse protection。

Environmental characteristics:

Ambient temperature range: – 20 ~ 80 degrees, humidity range: 0 ~ 100% (Port 704

using silicon rubber seal)

Electrical connection:

Two four bit terminals: +24V power, GND, It, t-COM, Io, o-COM, Iv, v-COM:It,

temperature and current signal output; Io oil level current signal output; Iv

vibration current signal output: typical wiring. See Fig. 2] probe wiring

principle schematic diagram.

KR-939SB3 KR-939SB3 Transmitter Transmitter (Three Three patameter patameter probe probe)

Usually when the supply has been a good optional five core shielded cable, cable

color relation as follows:

Red: +24V power supply;

Black: ground wire (public end: GND, t-COM, o-COM, v-COM internal conduction);

Cable shield line: ground earth;

Green: temperature output;

Blue: vibration output;

Yellow: oil level output;